As a human, you have a job to do.
In fact, you have Four Jobs:
Grow Yourself, Enrich Others, Evolve The World
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It's not what you need to do. It's who you need to be. Your Human Coach helps you create and live your authentic purpose potential.
As humans, we have a job to do. In fact, we have four jobs: to earn and manage money, to attain and maintain health and fitness, to give and receive love, and to find meaning and make a difference. None of these jobs are taught in school, and that's what this podcast is all about— to educate us all in the mastery of these four jobs.
Tune in each week with host Dr. Jade Teta. Let's all learn to be the best versions of ourselves so we can grow ourselves, enrich others, and evolve the world.
Here's to our next level!
To be human is to confront suffering...
And yet it is our suffering that is our greatest teacher. We find our true identity and life's most significant work through our difficulties.
Our job is to use our trials, tribulations, traumas, and difficulties to learn, teach and love— to grow ourselves, enrich others and evolve the world.
Next Level Human shows you how to integrate and alchemize the most difficult happenings in your life. It is set that "hurt people hurt people." That's true, but hurt people also help people.
And what do we call someone who has been hurt who resigns to break the cycle of pain and use their hurt to help? We call that a hero— a Next Level Human- simply someone who chooses to use the lessons of their pain to help and heal others. They are the best of us.
"It’s not the inability to change; it's the fear of giving up the parts of ourselves we know so well"
"Fault has nothing to do with it. If it is in our sphere of awareness and we want it changed, it is our responsibility."

FREE Next Level Meditations
Becoming our new selves requires alignment in thinking, feeling, choosing, and acting. Meditative visualization allows us to "practice being," shortening the time for change. We are happy to give these morning and evening meditations from Dr. Jade Teta.
FREE Next Level Workouts
The physical and the psychological are linked. Not only is health and fitness one of the four jobs, but it is also a short cut to resilience, mindfulness, and manifestation. Physical transformation is a form of psychological transformation & vice versa. One enhances the other.