Welcome To Next Level Human Inner Circle


How Do You Achieve Transformation?

By Doing What Works For You!!


As A Human You Have A Job To Do... In fact, you have 4 jobs!

To earn and manage money. We all must make a living. Even a homeless person without a job must procure food and find shelter

To attain and maintain health and fitness. We all must look after our health, work on healing if we must, and manage stress and resilience

To give and receive love. We must connect, communicate, and collaborate with others. Humans are pack animals. We don't just need others we are reliant on them

To find meaning and make a difference. Living our authentic purpose potential is an internal drive present in all humans. We all want to matter and feel fulfilled

None of these jobs can be taught, they must be created through authentic alignment with our unique purpose potential. We must do what works for us!


True transformation means knowing who we are so we can powerfully become our authentic next level human selves 

The Inner Circle is a community of extraordinary people looking to level up in mindset, muscle and metabolism, master the 4 jobs and authentically become their next level human potential


Unlock Your Potential with Next Level Human Inner Circle Membership

A Life Changing  Educational Community For Only $20 Monthly


What's Included?


To be your best requires being at your peak physically. The Next Level Human Membership gives you access to an entire workout library, including the coed programs Metabolic Aftershock and Metabolic Prime as well as the female-specific workout program Metabolic Renewal

Guided Meditations

Transformation requires dismantling old subconcious narratvies, reprogramming the nervous system to safety and memorizing a new feeling in your body. Enjoy guided meditations led by Dr Jade Teta & Yoga Nidra (non-sleep deep rest) meditations with Gary Leake

Guided Breathwork

Breathwork, along with meditation, is one of the most powerful ways to enhance and energize the vital force within the body as well as prime the nervous system for optimal stress reactions, responses, and recovery. Many of the guided meditations also include breathwork.

Monthly Trainings

Monthly trainings on topics to help you understand yourself & the world. Topics include hormones, biohacking, functional medicine, identity change, philosophy, psychology, nutrition and fitness. In order to know what works, requires continual education.

Live Q&As

One of the most important aspects of change and finding your own path, means getting your questions answered by a real human. Each month Dr Jade, guests and/or staff will conduct live calls where you can ask your questions live or submit them ahead of time for detailed answers

Live Podcasts

As a member, you will have direct input and access to the Next Level Human Podcast. You get to tell us the episodes youwould like to hear most and you can also attend and listen in live as Doctor Jade does his podcast episodes for the Next Level Human podcast. 

24-7 Chat Access

On-demand chat access 24-7 is now a reality with tech. The Dr Jade Teta AI bot has been trained on over 10,000 hours of Dr Jade's books, podcasts, articles, interviews, videos & podcasts.It thinks, writes & responds exactly like our founder Dr Jade and will answer all your questions

Social Community

Private, member-only social media page to connect, communicate, and collaborate with other Next Level Human members. One of the most powerful assets to facilitate transformation is a like-minded community supporting each other's aspirations and goals

One-On-One Access

Going through a real issue with your health, finances or personal relationship? You get direct access to the Next Level Human coaches & Dr Jade himself.

Course Library

Courses on specific topics from thyroid to sleep, detox, menopause, and the rest.  You get our entire course library plus monthly training recordings.

Expert Interviews

Interviews from some of the top experts in the field.  Expert discussions with Dr Jade, colleagues, coaches and others you will not find anywhere else.

Member Discounts

As a member, you get discounts, coupon codes, exclusive programs first access to new programs and Next Level Human events and supplements

And More...

Imagine a Life Where You're Constantly Growing and Achieving Your Goals

The Next Level Human Membership provides the tools, tips, tricks, guidance, guidelines, insights, education and community to make this dream a reality.


Unlock Your Potential with Next Level Human Inner Circle Membership

A Life Changing  Educational Community For Only $20 Monthly


How The  Process Works

Understand Your 4Ps 

Choose Your Correct 4Ms


Unlock Your Potential with Next Level Human Inner Circle Membership

A Life Changing  Educational Community For Only $20 Monthly